Whittier Root Intrusion Removal Services

Tree roots can cause serious damage to your plumbing system, potentially leading to a burst line, a flooded yard, and the need to replace your sewer line early. Fortunately, our experts at Drainiacs provide Whittier, CA, with professional root intrusion removal services. We use several different techniques to get tree roots out of your lines, save you time and money, and help your plumbing system last as long as possible.

Are you nervous about scheduling repiping services for your Whittier home or business? You can receive a detailed assessment from our team as we use the highest-quality materials and install pipes that withstand years of use.

What Is Root Intrusion?

Root intrusion is when tree roots come in contact with sewer lines and pipes, causing them to crack, burst, or experience clogs. Tree roots are constantly looking for the nutrients and water they need to grow, and even the smallest open area of a sewer line is vulnerable to these roots.

Signs of Root Intrusion in Whittier, California

You’re likely to notice several signs of tree root intrusion, including gurgling sounds while flushing, slow drains, and water backing up after using the toilet. If you don’t perform root intrusion removal in a timely manner, the roots could expand inside your pipes, leading to a major burst. Not only will your pipes experience sewer root damage, but you could end up spending more than you expect to address a flooded and damaged yard.

Keeping an eye on your drains, scheduling routine plumbing maintenance, and calling a professional when something is wrong are the best ways to catch problems before they worsen. You could catch roots early on before they tear through your pipes, potentially saving yourself a fortune.