When It Comes To Repiping A Home, Which Material Is Better? Copper Piping VS PEX Piping


One of the things a homeowner never wants to think about is that dreadful day when their plumber tells them that they’re due for a complete home re-pipe.  Whether from root infestation or just good ole’ wear and tear, it’s never a fun thing to hear.  Fortunately, it generally is only something that happens about once every 25+ years for a standard American home, depending on proper maintenance and care of course.  However, when your technician starts throwing decisions your way, it can definitely get a little scary.

The primary decision a homeowner will need to make is the type of material to be used for repiping.  Older homes may contain pipes made out of galvanized metal or PVC, which are both materials that have been known to carry many flaws that reduce their lifespan in a standard American home.  They are never recommended.  In fact, if your home plumbing utilizes any of these, it is the first thing a plumber will recommend to have replaced.

The two most popular and most recommended materials for plumbing these days, are Copper piping and PEX piping, but do you know what they are?  What the difference between the two is and which is right for you?  Well have no fear, we’re here to explain and help make that decision (when the day comes) a bit easier for you.  So here it is…



Copper itself is known to be a very durable and reliable metal.  It is fairly easy to install which makes it a great choice for residential plumbing.  It is resistant to ultraviolet rays so it is great for indoor and outdoor use and it inhibits the growth of bacteria which often makes it more appealing to many homeowners.  It is also a valuable and recyclable metal, which adds to the value of most homes.  Copper piping does have a few disadvantages though.

First, depending on the PH levels of the water running through your home, copper piping is easily susceptible to corrosion which wears down the pipes and causes leaks to occur.  Also, since copper does not have the capability to expand and contract, pipe bursts are yet another pitfall to this type of piping material.  Copper piping is also the culprit of noisy plumbing systems.  It tends to knock as the water is turned on and off and may get worse with time.  Lastly, since it IS a valuable metal, the price for copper piping is significantly more expensive than that of almost any other type of piping material.



PEX is a cross-linked polyethylene material that undergoes multiple processes, making it highly durable for extreme temperatures, capable of resisting creep deformation caused by high stress in the pipes, as well as resistance to various chemicals.  PEX piping is extremely flexible and can easily expand and contract to avoid pipe bursts in extreme weather conditions.  It also resists corrosion and the formation of lime and mineral buildups which normally cause leaks.  PEX piping also only requires a few joints which makes it easy to install and a bit cheaper than most other piping materials.   However, just like copper though, PEX piping does have a few disadvantages as well.

First, PEX piping is highly sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, making it limited to indoor use only or in places where it is not affected by the sun.  Also, since PEX pipes do not contain the biostatic capabilities of copper, they are prone to bacterial growth if not maintained properly, and since PEX is not a recyclable material, it also holds little to no value for a home.  Lastly, PEX piping, although minimal yet due to its softer grade of material, is also susceptible to rodents chewing through making it prone to leaks of this type of nature.



The easiest way to explain this is through a simple chart that shows which type of pipe is better under certain circumstances.

Main Differences Between Copper Piping vs PEX Piping



Well, we hate to break it to you, but unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer here.  This decision entirely comes down to preference.  In a few circumstances, a technician may recommend one over the other, but he should clearly explain why based on these facts.  Otherwise, unfortunately, you are left to use your own discretion and to decide what matters most to you.  In the end, though, they are both great materials and are both highly recommended by technicians, so no matter which you choose, you know you will be in good hands!

Re-Use, Reduce and Recycle! Donate Your Old Toilet Today!

donate your old toilets


Re-Use, Reduce and Recycle! It’s our way of life these days but with Earth Day just around the corner, April 22 to be exact, we thought we’d put in our two cents and help Mother Earth along the way.  We’ve all done some form of recycling at one point or another.   Maybe we mindlessly tossed our empty can of diet soda into a recycling bin at work or re-used an old plastic bag to clean up the lovely gift our beloved pet left for us on our lawn.  Whatever the case may be, we are doing our part to help the environment, but what if you can do more than simply tossing a can into a recycling bin?  Wouldn’t it be great to help improve our environment and also help those in need?  Well, guess what?!  Now you can by recycling your old toilet!

Why let your eyesore of a toilet collect dust and take up space in your home when you can donate it to your local Habitat for Humanity Re Store Outlet!   They provide an environmentally- and socially responsible way to keep good, reusable materials out of landfills as well as help build homes for those in need.  There are also numerous recycling and salvage centers all across southern California that are more than willing to take your old porcelain throne off your hands.  Even better, why not let Daniel Cordova Plumbing, Drain & Sewer take your old John off your hands and donate it or recycle it for you?!  We are more than happy to do our part in creating a better and greener environment for us all, and in the process, give those used, unwanted toilets a good home.

In fact, we are not alone in our crusade to keep toilets out of landfills.  Some cities like Bellingham, Washington have found creative ways of using these unwanted recycled potties and helping Mother Earth along the way.  In an attempt to go green, the city used over 400 recycled toilets to create a new pedestrian sidewalk.  Not only did it save the city and taxpayers money but they also diverted hundreds of toilets from ending up in the local landfill.  Now that’s recycling at its best!   So why not take that extra step and let us recycle your old toilet for you?  It is an easy and simple way to help our environment and keep toilets out of our local landfills. Mother Earth and DCP will be very glad you did!  Happy Earth Day Everyone!


UPDATE: Since publishing this article in 2013, we’re sorry to say that many recycling locations as well as Habitat for Humanity are no longer taking toilets. We understand that there is a high demand for toilet recycling but at this time we don’t have space or capacity to collect them ourselves. We recommend contacting your cities public works department for information on bulky item pick-up services.

National Hug A Plumber Day

hug a plumber day - 4/25


Most of us take for granted the seemingly simple things like running water, hot water, and filtered water, that we have provided to us on a daily basis.  We don’t even think about the complex system of pipes that keep things ticking around our house for us, for our use, and our comfort.

National Hug-A-Plumber Day is celebrated every year on April 25th and encourages all of us to take a second to recognize the hard work, skill, and ingenuity of plumbers all around the world.

So take a second today to give your plumber a big hug, and thank them for a job well done!  Since without plumbers, we’d be in some deep poo!


3 Easy Ways To Water Smarter

3 easy ways to water smarter


Outside water usage accounts for nearly 40% of an average household’s total water bill!  With spring in full gear and summer quickly approaching, the lack of rainfall makes it necessary for us to pull out the gardening hose and put the timer back on the sprinkler system, but are we wasting water while doing this?  The answer is probably yes!

Help make a difference and make a change towards conservation by following these 3 EASY WAYS TO WATER SMARTER:

1. Make sure to only water your lawn in the morning or evening hours when temperatures are cooler and the wind is still.  Watering during peak hours or windy times causes water to evaporate or blow away before it reaches the plant’s roots.

2. Try the Screwdriver Test – After watering your lawn, take an 8-inch screwdriver and drive it into the ground.  If it easily slips down about 6 inches, your lawn is absorbing the water well.  If not, make sure to aerate your lawn (at least once a year) so the water can be absorbed by the roots and not be wasted by running off the surface.

3. Use wastewater from around the house, such as fallen ice cubes, dirty pet water, half drank water bottles, and even captured rainwater to help water your lawn and plants before reaching for the hose.

By following these 3 easy steps you can easily help conserve an upward of 125 gallons of water per week or more!  That’s at least 6,240 gallons per year!  So help join the conservation movement and WATER SMARTER!