One of the top causes of water damages in homes, next to water heater leaks, is washing machine leaks. Washing machine leaks can be caused by a number of different sources, but one of the most common, and most easy to prevent, are drain clogs! When most people think of drain clogs, we think shower drains, tub drains, and kitchen sinks, not washing machines! Yet, this is true! Drain clogs cause washing machines to back up, hold water and slowly leak. If you can imagine, when you take your clothes out of the drier, you’re left with a big ball of lent from the lent trap right? Well, when you wash your clothes, the same amount of lent is released, but where do you think it goes? The answer is… straight down the drainpipe! Often this lent is cleared by the constant flow of water, but occasionally, no amount of water from the washing machine will be able to clear this lent. So here’s a great tip to help prevent this disaster waiting to happen: take nylon or pantyhose and insert it over your washing machine drain line, place a rubber band or tie to keep it in place and then reinstall it. After every 3-4 washes remove the nylon or pantyhose, clean out the lent and then reinstall. It’s that simple! You’ll be amazed at how much lent you trap with this simple process! Best of all, you’ll save yourself from the nightmare of water leaks and water damage in your home or garage!
Category: Uncategorized
Getting Rid of Foul Kitchen Odors
I’m sure you’ve smelt it before, that foul odor emerging from your kitchen drain. You have to imagine, loads of waste are being piled in there day after day. Food scraps like meats and cheeses which tend to spoil and leave behind a rotten stench are by far the worst! How can you beat the stench? How do you get rid of this terrible odor? Let us offer our most helpful tips.
If you have a garbage disposer or garbage disposal, cut up a lemon or orange (or any fruit from the citrus family will do) into small wedges. Half at a time throw them into your garbage disposal with the hot water running. Let the hot water run for about thirty seconds after their disposal. You should be able to notice an immediate shift in odor.
If you don’t have a garbage disposer or you don’t have any citrus fruit lying around, Pin-sol or any pungent citrus fruit type of cleaner would work just as well. Drop one tablespoon in at a time, repeating 2-3 times, and your kitchen drain should be smelling fresh in no time!
On another note, you may even want to try throwing a tablespoon of liquid dish soap (preferably the blue Dawn liquid dish soap) and two quarts of boiling hot water down your kitchen drain. This helps cut through the grease and sludge that may also cause some of these serious odors.
We hope this tip of the month helps! Here’s to getting those kitchen drains smelling citrus fresh!
Beware Of Tree Roots, Plant Safely

When it comes to planting trees and shrubs around our homes, we generally follow the rule of “what looks nice,” but planter beware! What may look like a great place to plant that lovely new eucalyptus tree outside of your home, may just be the planting ground for future disaster! Root intrusion from trees and plants alike is one of the most devastating and costly issues when it comes to home sewer systems. Don’t put your home’s sewer system in jeopardy, plant safely! Let us get you started!
First, it is important to know what your sewer lateral is and where it is located. Your sewer lateral is the lateral sewer line that runs from your home/property to your city’s sewer main (the large pipes that generally run under the street). Maintenance of this lateral line is more often than not the homeowner’s responsibility. Blockage, or a break in the line, can be awful news. This will cause the waste flowing away from your home to slow, or to completely stop, and begin to back up. (Not a pretty picture!) Tree and plant roots are one of the top 3 causes of sewer line blockages and backups.
Your sewer line is constantly flowing with water and other nutrients that are extremely appetizing to tree and plant roots. Over the years, shifts in the soil around your home cause small, often minuscule cracks in your sewer lateral pipes, which cause tiny leaks or drips of water to seep into the soil surrounding the pipes. Roots seek out this moisture in the soil, and once they locate it, they infest themselves and begin to grow right into the pipe itself. (Note: During hot summer months roots are always in search of water; In cold winter months, they’re in search of warmth). So, tiny, hair-like roots, branch off, twisting, twirling and mangling themselves with the debris flowing from your home. This causes major blockages that back up your home sewer system, and as these roots grow and expand, they often cause these pipes to break and completely collapse, costing the homeowner thousands of dollars to fix. So let’s learn how to plant safely!
- Before planting any new trees, shrubs, or other plants around your home, locate where your sewer lateral line connects to your city’s mainline. This location is often marked with an “S” (for sewer) above ground, where your property line and the street meet. Often it is on the curb or can be found under an access cover on your property.
- Locate the point where this lateral line leaves your home. Generally, you will only be able to pinpoint this location if your home has a cleanout. A cleanout is a 4” wide pipe with a lid that protrudes a few inches from the ground by your home. It acts as an easy access point for your home if a blockage were to ever occur. Sometimes foliage makes them hard to find, but if your home does not have a cleanout, we definitely recommend getting one installed.
- Once you find both of these points, with your mind, draw an imaginary line between them. Now consider this your “Do Not Plant Here” line. It’s almost as simple as that! Roots can actually travel up to a couple of hundred feet depending on the plant, so learning more about the type of tree or shrub you are planning to plant is just as essential as finding your sewer lateral line. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo has a great Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute which offers an amazing website that deals with tree and plant attributes. Before planting anything near your home, check this site out! It even has an option to check the “root damage potential” of a plant! How simple could we make this for you?
So before you take out those gardening gloves and your shovel, make sure to think first about your planting location and the type of plant you will be planting, and let’s all plant a little safer!
Gas Line Earthquake Valves: A Necessity In California
California offers many benefits to those who are lucky enough to live in the Golden State, such as beaches, amusement parks, and historical sites. However, living on the West coast does come with some drawbacks, with earthquakes being a substantial one when they strike. Earthquakes often come unexpectedly, can cause serious damage, and can be a huge inconvenience, especially if you are not prepared for them! One major damage caused by earthquakes is broken gas lines, which often go unnoticed, but are extremely dangerous.
In our homes, we have gas lines that provide heating and allow us to use many crucial appliances such as water heaters and stoves. If an earthquake were to occur, it could cause major damage to gas lines, causing excessive gas flow that could lead to a fire or an explosion, which can be more damaging than the earthquake itself. In order to avoid this, an earthquake valve is highly recommended, and when installed correctly by a licensed professional, it can save your home from a devastating and costly outcome.
California happens to straddle two plates known as the Pacific Plate and the North American plate. These plates are separated by the San Andreas Fault, which runs roughly 800 miles and at least 10 miles within the depths of the Earth, creating a common earthquake zone for California. Installing an earthquake valve on your gas line is a reliable way to guarantee that the gas shuts off in the event of an earthquake. If you are not home when an earthquake strikes, the valve will automatically shut off the gas supply should a pipe break, saving your home from the excessive gas flow that could lead to a fire or an explosion.
Now, there are two types of valves that are commonly used to prevent a gas line break. The seismic valve is sensitive to motion, and the excessive flow sensor is sensitive to excessive gas flow. These are typically installed together to provide the maximum protection for your home. However, due to the danger surrounding gas lines, valves should only be installed by a licensed and qualified professional.
Motion sensing cage ball
This precautionary device automatically shuts off your gas service when an earthquake of sufficient magnitude occurs. A metal ball is retained away from an outlet by sitting upon a ring, and when it senses an earthquake, the ball will fall down and block the opening where gas can escape. If activated, rest assured that your home will be safe. Any licensed professional can reset your valve following an earthquake.
Excessive flow sensor
When a pipe breaks, gas begins to flow beyond a suitable limit, which can create a major hazard. The excessive flow sensor causes the valve to close and shut off any potentially dangerous gas flow. Once activated, a licensed professional can repair your broken pipe and reset your valve again.
Most local plumbing companies are equipped with the knowledge and tools to tackle any of your gas leak, gas pipe, or gas valve issues. Due to the dangerous nature surrounding gas lines, you should never tamper with a broken one, and it is highly recommended that you as a homeowner contact a licensed professional to install earthquake valves in order to keep you and your home safe. Protecting your home from any potential danger is worth the investment. If you suspect any type of gas leak, first make sure you turn off the gas to your home, call your local gas company to report the issue, and call your local plumber to inspect and resolve the problem. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Get your earthquake valves installed today!