How to Tell if Replacement is Better Than Repair



Do you know all about the cost-saving benefits of plumbing maintenance? That is true, but just to make matters more complicated, there are situations where it actually makes more sense to replace something than to fix it.

Sometimes it’s not just worth investing the money for repairs. The problem, of course, is how do you know the difference? Our El Monte, CA plumbers have put together a trusty guide for you to follow.

Washing Machine Replacement?

“washingmachine”The major criterion, if it is smarter to replace your washing machine, is to determine how old it is. If it is more than eight years old, sinking money into repairs isn’t’ worth it because it is nearing the end of the life cycle.

Worrying signs include shaking, leaking and making banging noises. Another trouble spot can be the washing machine connecting hoses. If they rupture (and they do over time), you could be dealing with serious water damage. Replace them every 5-7 years.

The Shower Test

“showertop”Is your shower salvageable or should you replace it? The big indicator is black mold, whether on the shower head or on the shower top itself.

If you see this health hazard, get rid of it immediately and get yourself a new shower.

Other signs that your shower is done is sediment build up or inconsistent water pressure.

Water Heater Dilemma

“waterheater”Water heaters can be pricey, so how do you know if you are wasting your money for repairs? Like with your washing machine, consider how old it is before you do anything else.

If your storage tank heater is 10-15 years old or if your tankless unit is almost 20 years old, there is not much point in sinking money into repairs.

Trouble signs include corrosion, excessive leaking or loud noises. Regardless of its age, consider upgrading to a tankless model if you don’t already have one. They have a longer lifespan and cost far less to operate, which is only going to save you money.

Replace the Kitchen Sink?

“kitchensink”Start with your faucet. It is generally in good repair, but has a small leak? You might be able to fix it. Same goes for stinky drains, which may just need a good drain clean.

However, if a visual inspection of the plumbing under the sink reveals corrosion and mineral buildup, you are far better off to replace the sink and the plumbing underneath.

The pipes will only get worse and leak substantially. We’ve got all kinds of plumbing tips that can help you to save money. Just ask us.

Pay Less on Your Water Bill in 2018 by Following This Guide

Save Money


Would you like to have more money to spend every month in El Monte, CA? Of course you would! The good news is that you can accomplish this fairly easily if you pay attention to your water use at home. Cutting back on your water automatically means cutting back on your water bill.

Ready to save? Follow this guide and you’ll begin to see results right away. Here is how to get started.

Don’t Ignore Plumbing Leaks

Water LeakDid you know that something as seemingly innocent as a dripping faucet can waste 5 gallons of water a day? How much water are you willing to waste before you fix it?

It can seem like a hassle, but you are literally throwing your money out the window if you don’t fix plumbing leaks right away.

Get in the habit of expecting your plumbing every month. Don’t forget to look all around the basement and outside too. Watch for pooling water, damp spots, rising water bills and low water pressure.

Go to the Carwash

Car WashWhile it can be a great hobby to tend to your car and wash it lovingly at home, it is a real water-waster.

It’s far more cost-effective (and environmentally friendly) to take your car to the carwash. To reduce your water footprint even more, find a carwash that uses recycled water only.

Showering is Better for the Budget

ShowerWhich do you enjoy more? A hot bath or saving money? When you realize that taking a shower uses about a third of the water that filling up the tub does, it’s a no-brainer to choose a shower.

However, be warned that those cost savings will disappear if you stay in the shower too long. Aim for 5- 8 minutes max.

To amplify your savings, put in low-flow showerheads.

Greywater and Your Plants

Water PlantsGreywater is water that is already used for cooking or cleaning. It can be effective to water your plants. Make sure that you don’t store it for too long. To make it safe for your plants, use eco-friendly cleaners. It’s also a good idea not to apply the water directly on the plants, but dampen the soil or mist the leaves.

Toilet leaks can be very wasteful. Do you know how to check if you’ve got a water leak? Drop food coloring in the toilet tank, and if it seeps into the bowl, you have a leak. It’s worthwhile to learn as much as you can about how you cut water waste.

These Winter Checklist Items Could Save you Money This Season

Winter Maintenance


Being a homeowner isn’t cheap, that’s for sure. However, the good news is that there is a lot that you can do to help keep your costs down. Winter can be an expensive season because of the need for heat. The key is to make your home as airtight and energy-efficient as possible.

The first thing that you should take care of is getting your furnace tuned up before the really cold weather arrives. Here are some additional suggestions for a checklist that will not only save you money but help keep your family safe at home as well.


You may think of keeping the air moving in your home as a summer problem, because of the need to keep cool. It’s just as important in the winter.

That is because, for your home to heat efficiently, it needs to be dry. What’s more, is that excessive moisture will encourage mold growth. This will damage your home, which is costly to repair and can also make you sick if you breathe in mold spores.

To get rid of excess moisture, make sure to run the exhaust fans in the bathrooms and kitchen. It’s a good idea to keep your ceiling fan going year-round for extra air circulation.


Insulated HomeDid you know that the vast majority of homes in the U.S. (90 percent) are under-insulated, including many homes here in West Covina, CA?

Did you know that protecting your home against heat loss is one of the most important things that you can do to save money? And while it is helpful to caulk your windows and put weather-stripping around doors, far more heat will escape out of your walls if they aren’t well-insulated.

Some indications that you need more insulation are high heating bills, pest problems, leaks in your attic, fluctuating temperatures and drafts.


Check Your Detectors

Smoke Detector CheckWant to protect your family’s safety and your home investment at the same time?

  • Make sure that you’ve got properly working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Test their function and replace batteries.
  • Place a fire extinguisher on each level as well.